Myths and facts
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Varicose veins are dilated veins in the legs.
It is true as varicose veins are veins that have experienced a breakdown in the return pump valve, which inturn allows the blood to stay in these veins resulting in their dilation. Once a vein becomes dilated, it is no longer functional optimally for the benefit of the body’s circulatory system. These dilated tortuous veins are called vericos veins.

Standing or crossing your legs for long period of time cause vericos veins.
Probably myths. This is again very confusing distinguishing between it as a casual or a contributing factor. Standing does not cause varicose veins per se, but hastens the deterioration of malfunctioning valves and does the development of varicose veins. Since most valves fail at young age, standing still for long periods will create a greater likelihood of developing varicose veins in a group who already have defective valves.

Women get varicose venis more often than men.
Probably not true. This is considered as women are generally better than men at having regular check ups; they are more likely to be diagnosed with the condition. However, in Edinburgh, U.K. community study 1998, it was found that slightly more men than women had varicose veins.
Although this study does not in itself necessarily disprove that more women affected by varicose veins, it does caste some doubt on it. Further, not much work has been into this area.

Pregnancy causes varicose veins.
Probably not true again. The reason is not likely to be true because this would necessitate more women than men having varicose veins and that does not appear to be true, given the study cited above.
Additionally research indicate that only those women with pre-existing valve problems develops varicose veins during pregnancy. Thus, it is more correct to say that pregnancy exacerbates or hastens the development of varicose venis. So, it is a contributing factor rather than a casual factor. Women with weak valves would develop varicose veins eventually, regardless of the pregnancy. However, pregnancy would hasten their development.

Varicose veins can happen to any body.
It is more likely to happen to you if your parents or other relatives had them. That is why, it is best to take preventive measures now before they make their unwelcome appearance.

Varicose Veins do not required treatment as they are only a cosmetic problem.
Wrong. Varicose vein are assigned that the valve in the vein is not working properly. Naturally, if the valves are not working properly then the effect will be varicosities and their accompanying complications(leg aching/eczema/lipodermatoscelerisis/cellulitis/ thrombsis/ venuous ulcer etc.)
Intervention to eleminate vericose veins should be performed in symptomatic patients and early in patients who have developed skin changes.

Varicose veins can be prevented.
Since it is at least partly determined by genetics, you may not be able to prevent them altogether. However, you can take preventive measures that delay their appearance. One obvious consideration is to maintain a healthy life style that includes a well balanced diet, regular exercise, avoid prolong standing and high heels and good nutritional supplements. If you do develop varicose veins, get them treated before the condition worsens.

Since varicose veins are controlled by genetics, nothing can be done to prevent them.
Probably fact. However, not every one who has a gene for varicose veins will necessarily get them. It is more complex than that environmental factors play a role in the expression of genes as well. Taking preventive measures and treatment can certainly delay the development of varicose veins, perhaps altogether, and at very least, alleviate the condition or symptoms of your current varicose veins.

You should wait until you have finished having children before getting varicose veins treatment.
Not right. Although this is a bad advice - contrary to current research and illogical - this advice is still given by many doctors and nurses today. Since pregnancy doesn’t cause but exacerbates the problem, the sooner the veins are fixed, the less damage will be done to the legs and the easier the treatment will be. So if you have persistent varicose veins after 6-8 weeks of the delivery then it is advisable to undergo the treatment before going for the second child.

Varicose veins are hereditary
It’s true. It also seems that more relatives are affected by varicose veins, the more likely they will develop the condition as well. We have seen a family where all female members including grand mother, mother and four daughters had varicose veins. Most of the time the cause of varicose veins occurrence is not known.

Varicose veins treatment is futile because they always return.
Myth. Accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of varicose veins can ensure that at least some of them do not return. Besides, varicose veins treatment is sometimes necessary, whether there is neovascularisation or not, simply because the symptoms are unacceptable or unbearable for many people. Even if the results of the treatment are not permanent, it is still preferable over no treatment at all. If the disease is not properly evaluated and operated by an inexperienced surgeon, the chances of recurrence of varicose veins will be even higher.

Conservative treatment is the best treatment
The treatment of primary varicose veins depends on the extent of the varicosity and the damage to the skin at ankle. Graduated elastic compression stockings are good for temporary relief of symptoms and are used below knee with pressure between 23-32mmHg.